In these sermons I will use information theory to express meaning. Learning things is just training a neural network. I will endeavour to use neutral terms throughout, since this should make it easier to think in terms of information theory. I will provide alternative terms where I think a less neutral term might be more effective. These alternatives for physical training include opponent (more neutral) or enemy (more emotionally charged).

The first sermon is about teaching. The ultimate use case of religion is to teach people to be better humans. Thus this sermon comes first.

The second sermon is on physical training. This is a subset of teaching, but it's so important that it gets its own sermon, and thus comes second.

The third sermon describes the difference between prayer and magic. Prayer and magic are the two ways that religious people talk to God, and it is the next most important use case for religion after teaching. Thus it comes third.

The fourth sermon describes how to meditate. Meditation is different from both magic and prayer, so it needs a separate sermon. It is ultimately about changing self without involving God. So it is of lesser importance, but only barely, and thus comes fourth.

The fifth sermon describes humor. Humor is the way that people process grief, which prevents the stress cascades that literally kill us. And five is the number associated with Eris, goddess of Discord, who is constantly laughing at the world. So this sermon comes fifth.

The sixth sermon describes marriage.